Jade' B.

Jade’ B.

~ Visual Artist, Creator, Graphic Designer, Print Maker, Apparel Designer

What is Art to you?

……because it is Life to me. If is in the very air that I breathe. It is taking the mundane and always finding the spark in it. It is being grateful and expressing gratitude for a cloud, a ray of sun, a droplet. For me it is divine expression. For art is creating.

Who I Am

I am a Creator…. that is the best word and the best description for what I do and who I am that has ever come to me. From painting, to apparel design, to creating web content, or doing work for a client, I create. I bring visions to life, and I love it. I often say that I see the world in colors and light. Every day, each situation, experience is not only a moment in time for me, but is also a scene on the grand stage play that goes on in my mind at every given moment. There is a constant show that has a soundtrack and colorful images that only I can see and hear. I paint to share that with the world; to express emotion in a visual way. My works and my designs portray my thoughts and feelings about life, love, politics, relations, many day to day issues. I always try to show them in a way that I feel is not being conveyed and in a way that I hope will inspire people to feel, to think about things and even to know they are not alone in their thoughts. I paint to share the truth and the beauty that I see in the world with everyone. Hoping that it also reaches those that feel the same way, but maybe cannot express it, or that it inspires a new mind to think and see differently. My designs put words to my internal visions and feelings.