Loop It Up Savannah

As a Creative Educator with Loop It Up I was also tasked to head up a few creative projects in-house. My most fun and successful project was working on the awards videos used for presentation during the Annual Soup It Up for Loop It Up Fundraiser. For this project, I shot, edited, and presented the videos. I was tasked with getting interviews from a specific list of the people the honorees worked with. The goal was to present the interviews during the awards and not give away who the honoree was. To accomplish this, I interviewed several people around town, meeting them wherever I could, setting up my camera, and asking questions that led to wonderful descriptions of each person. Each interviewee was asked never to say the honoree’s name. I then edited the footage to create a very heartwarming montage of their words, ending each with a Thank You and the honoree’s name.

Howard & Mary Morrison Award - Dr. Ann Levett

Cayewah Easley Award - Anne Robinson

Deborah Enoch Award - Selina-Ruth Gillans

I also created the Annual Partners Brochure for Loop It Up. I formatted, picked the graphic content, and did the write-ups for the compiled information for this brochure. I was also in charge of bringing it to print.

Passion Project

The passion project that I created for Loop It Up was a custom logo to wear during community events. I wanted to showcase all of the things that Loop It Up does with the students. I wanted it to be fun and very artistic. This image is what I came up with and subsequently created wearable merch for the organization with it.


Preserve the Curves